You can help us translate this web
site in other languages !!!
Madam, Sir,
Thank you for your interest in our activities. As you know, IBC is a non-profit independent organization composed of individuals and does not receive governmental subsidies.
We recommend an authentically natural lifestyle and do not sell any artificial drugs, artificial foods, or artificial beauty products to finance our activities.
Therefore our work and action relies for an important part on the participation of our friends, and sympathizers. Such contributions can be in the form of subscriptions or donations (see membership subscription form) or by helping here and there with the many tasks to be done, such as the translations.
Our main activity is to pursue pionneering research on health and to promote better life habits such as authentically natural nutrition, non-smoking, stress-management, optimal sleep, and power-naps. We think this should be done in several languages to counter-balance the profit-oriented information proposed by major lobbies (agro-food industry, tobacco industry, and pharmaceutical industry).
Therefore any contribution consisting in helping to translate some of the IBC's documents into a foreign language is welcome and will contribute to inform the population in your country on better life habits.
All translations of IBC documents are made available to the public on the web site.
The automatic translation services offered on the web such as the ALTAVISTA free on-line translations, can help you with their dictionaries to translate the difficult words, or even paragraphs or pages in less than 2 seconds. What you can do if you don't wan't to work on the translation alone, is to have this service do the translation (it takes about 2 seconds for one or several pages) and then just read over and check the translation made by this service to make sure it's OK. This is easy, but the automatic translation isn't always perfect and, if you translate whole pages this way, you will lose the layout, links, tables, etc., of the original page (refer to : technical instructions for the translations for more details).
We are particularly interested in developing information in the following regions and corresponding languages : North America (USA, Canada-> English language), Western Europe (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Switzerland), Northern Europe (Norway, Sweden, Finland), Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukrain, Poland, Russia), Asia (Japan, Australia, New Zealand, China, Corea, Malaysia, Indonesia).
As we unfortunately don't speak all these languages, and much of our time is quite occupied with the general administrative tasks, the research, and operating the institute, your contribution, if you wish to do so, in becoming a local correspondent, setting up a local group in your country, or in translating some of the IBC documents into your mother language, is very much welcome and will help spread useful information.
If just a few of our correspondents each translate a few pages, we will rapidly be offering information on the web in ten or more languages, and will have the capacity to promote optimal health to people throughout the world.
With your cooperation, this is possible. With just a small participation of some of us (we also understand that your time is precious and quite limited), each in his country (a few hours here and there, sitting in front of a computer translating a few pages helps a lot), we can build a strong optimistic health group and spread useful information about better nutrition, non-smoking and healthy life styles.
Translations are usually best if done from a foreign language towards the native language of the translator.
If you think you wouldn't have the time or the capacity to work on the translations, but you know someone else who could, please let us know.
The only requirements are to understand English more or less (or French, or German or Spanish), to agree on IBC's point of view, and to have occasionnally some spare time here and there to devote to these translations.
Thank you again if you can participate in any translation or elsewise.
Our institute is composed only of private individuals, we are all volunteers united by the desire to build a better world for the future, and any form of cooperation and help for these translations is welcome.
Sincerely yours. With best regards.
Dr Christian CAUSSE.
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