
Bruno Comby is a world famous author on lifestyle and natural health, author of 8 bestsellers presented below.

These books are published in English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Russian, Sloven, and Portuguese. These books have guided 1/2 million readers to a better life, and have been presented in more than 1500 television, radio programs and press articles throughout the world. Bruno Comby is also the author of several scientific publications.

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Gewinnen Sie an Gesundheit, Schönheit und Vitalität, durch Ausscheidung der in Ihrem Körper befindlichen Giftstoffe mit Hilfe von Naturkostgaumenfreuden

Our modern diet, and even many alternative diets, are largely polluted, artificial and inadapted to our basic nutritional needs. In his laboratory, the author has scientifically observed thousands of patients on a 100% raw diet since 20 years. He proposes a simple and very efficient diet based on a wide range of raw foods. Learn how eating fresh fruits and other natural ingredients can be more delicious than MacDonald's or the finest French cuisine ! Experience new pleasure, freedom and health ! This diet is the closest to nature you can imagine. Discover your own way to optimal health, eating pleasure, and the satisfaction of your nutritional needs. Increase your physical, ecological, and mental awareness !

This book is for the general public, and is authoritative for all raw foodists and persons in the field of natural or preventative health.

Vorwort von Prof. Cloarec (Paris), Prof. M.L. Moeller (Frankfurt) und Pr. H. Leon Abrams (USA).

Available in English, Spanish and French

Press quotes - Table of contents - Preface by Pr. Abrams - Pr. Cloarec - Intro by Brice Lalonde - A Reader's Testimony

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Umweltschutz durch Kernenergie

Fakten und Argumente für die Erzeugung von Elektrizität durch Kernenergie vom eindeutig ökologischen Standpunkt aus.

Fossil fuels such as coal oil, and gas, massively pollute the Earth's atmosphere (CO, CO2, SOX, NOX...), provoking acid rains and changeing the global climate by increasing the greenhouse effect, while nuclear energy does not participate in these pollutions and presents well-founded environmental benefits.

Renewable energies (solar, wind) not being able to deliver the amount of energy required by populations in developing and developed countries, nuclear energy is in fact the only clean and safe energy available to protect the planet during the XXI st century.

This book answers essential questions about nuclear safety, the Chernobyl accident, the public health problems our society has to face, viable solutions for nuclear waste, the benefits of clean nuclear energy for the environment, and important information about the future of our planet.


Vorwort von Prof. James Lovelock, and Prof. Joyeux (Institut Curie)


Back cover - Table of contents - Introduction by James Lovelock - Review of this book by the American Health Physics Society

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Also available in English (+), French (+), Japanese (+), Romanian (+), Russian (+).

Publication in preparation in Chinese, Corean, Portuguese (+), Italian (+), Hungarian, Czek, and Slovak.

Visit the web site of the
Association of Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy (EFN)


Energien aktivieren in 5 Minuten im Büro, zu Hause, zu jeder Tageszeit, mit der sensationellen Schnell-Schlaf-Methode,

A five minute siesta dissolves stress, increases your physical and mental power, and generates extra time by reducing the next night's sleep by up to two hours. This book tells you all about why and how take a siesta, discover the multiple benefits for your health of short power-relaxation sessions, and how to rest and increase your energy in just a few minutes with a siesta. Increase your energy and creativity like Napoleon, Leonardo da Vinci, Edison, Einstein...

Vorworte von Jacques Chirac (Präsident von Frankreich), und Prof. Billiard.

Deutsch, Französisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Tschechisch

Back cover - Table of contents - Preface by French President Jacques CHIRAC

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Köstliche Insekten - das Insekten-kochbuch

Die Proteine der Zukunft: unerschöpfliche Quelle für die gesunde Ernährung

Insects are a fine source of delicious high-quality protein. Edible insects are an abundant natural resource to feed the Earth's increasing population. This book is the world-reference on insect-eating (entomophagy). Insects can be prepared in many ways. This book proposes the very best, the traditional and the original insect-cooking recipes. Originally published in 1989, it has been presented by many of the major international TV talkshows, and has initiated the worldwide renaissance of the entomophagic (insect-eating) movement in the early 90's; with details on how to raise edible insects at home, and how to taste your first insects.

Vorwort von Dr. Jean de Bonnefon und Prof. Giuseppe Della Beffa

Deutsch, Italienisch, Französisch

Back cover - Table of contents - Preface by Dr Jean de Bonnefon

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Wie man sich einfach vom Tabak befreit

This book proposes a global step-by-step guidance, and an efficient method to help you stop smoking. A simple, helpful, popular health book.

Includes psychological preparation, how to avoid temptations, a non-smoking diet, for easy success without putting on any weight. This book is among the top, if not the n°1 non-smoking title in Europe.

Vorwort von Prof. Joyeux

Französisch, Spanisch

Back cover - Table of contents

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Einfach erfolgreich sein

Eine praktische Methode, Studenten zwischen 7 und 77 sowie ihren Eltern und Lehrern zu erfolgreichen Prüfungen zu verhelfen durch eine bessere Organisation, Konzentration und Gedächtnisleistung.

This practical and highly motivating guide is for teens as well as older students, to be successful in exams and projects for one's entire life !

This book is a complete very simple working method, that can be applied by all students and adults. It contains varied recommendations, for students and adults from age 13 upwards (as well as their teachers and parents), to prepare examinations more efficiently, improve one's memory and learning skills, learn how to concentrate and work more efficiently, relax in just a few minutes, make a positive impression on your examinator, overcome difficult situations, how to organize your schedule, what to do on Exam-Day, how to help your students and your children study more efficiently, etc.

For easy success, and exams "in your pocket" with minimum time investment; strongly recommended.


Back cover - Table of contents - Vorwort von Prof. Henri Joyeux

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Ein praktisches Programm, um ein besseres, ruhigeres Leben zu führen

Stress is one of the most common sources of depression and anxiety, and the origin of many illnesses.

This book tells you why, unveils the deepest and real causes of stress in our society and proposes a simple, safe, and efficient method to live stress-free. If you occasionnally feel stressed, all the advice you need is probably in that book.

At last, discover how to live a pleasant and peaceful life. The book include a stress measurement test for free.

The author is also the inventor of the STRESSOMETER ™ a new electronic system for the measurement of human stress through the evaluation of microscopic hand tremor.

"A stressed person has everything to be happy".

Vorworte von Prof. Henri Joyeux und Dr. Jean de Bonnefon.

Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Tschechisch

Back cover - Table of contents - Preface by Pr Joyeux

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""Maximize immunity, and unleash your body's best defense against illness", is one of those very rare revolutionary books, a world reference since 1989.

This book presents the author's outstanding research on natural health, and how a radical change in nutrition can prevent and help cure a wide range of immune diseases. The author demonstrates the strategic importance of a better lifestyle and especially of a nutritional approach for immune-related diseases such as allergies, cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis and other auto-immune diseases, and proposes simple lifestyle recommendations, and a 100% raw natural diet, to unleash your body's best defense against illness : your own natural immunity.

Vorworte von Dr. Jean Olivot, René Olivier (Institut Pasteur, Paris); Vorwort der zweiten Ausgabe von Prof. Michael Lukas Moeller, Nachwort von Dr. Marie-José Mongaboure

Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch

Back cover - Table of contents - Preface by Pr René Olivier

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Leitfaden zur Stressbewältigung

Eine neue, einzigartige Methode zur Stressreduzierung im beruflichen und privaten Bereich vor, die auf einer 10-jährigen klinischen Erfahrung mit dem Stressometer beruhen (Messung des nervösen Zitterns im Ruhestadium)

Chacun d'entre nous est responsable de sa santé !
Ce livre présente une méthode originale, simple et révolutionnaire, pour améliorer sa maîtrise de soi afin de vivre plus heureux et en meilleure santé. Vous découvrirez ce qu'est le tremblement nerveux, et comment il varie en fonction de stress, du tabagisme, et comment on peut apprendre à contrôler son tremblement nerveux, à le mesurer, à le diminuer même, et constater ainsi les progrès effectués à l'aide de l'appareil de mesure du tremblement nerveux développé par l'auteur.
Cette approche originale de la prévention dans le domaine de la santé est adaptable à différents contextes sociaux et familiaux, pour prendre en main sa santé et renouer avec une vie meilleure.
Le stress n'est pas une fatalité. On peut améliorer sa maîtrise de soi. Gérer son stress, cela s'apprend !


Back cover - Table of contents - Vorwort von Dr Caussé - Vorwort von Pr Joyeux

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The most important thing to live happily, healthily and enjoy a successful life is to wish to do so and work in that direction.

Optimism is a source of hope and of success which applies to every direction of our lives.

We all have, inside ourselves, fantastic human resources, and only a pinch is needed to develop this potential and get the best of ourselves at work.

Optimism is a state of mind, which helps to solve all problems, and makes possible for each of us, around him, to contribute to a better society.

At one condition : be an optimist in all circumstances.


Back cover - Table of contents - Excerpts of the book

This book is in preparation (to be published)

Link to the web site of Optimists


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