How to become a local correspondent of the IBC

Complete this page, print it, and send it to the IBC by fax or e-mail (PDF file),
to become a local correspondent of the IBC in your area

The IBC has local correspondents in various areas throughout the world. See the photos of some of the local correspondents of IBC.

The LOCAL CORRESPONDENT''s role is to contribute in spreading the information and developping the activities of the Bruno Comby Institute around them, in their local area, their city, their region, their country … for example by informing their friends or colleagues, by forming a local group, by spreading information about IBC around them, by signing and circulating the petitions, by establishing local contacts, by inserting articles in local bulletins, by answering simple questions, by forwarding e-mails… Their contribution is on a volunteer basis, and no specific task is demanded. Each local correspondent contributes in his own way, in his local area, to informing the public. LOCAL CORRESPONDENTS of the IBC in foreign countries may also cooperate by organizing press information campaigns, by preparing local actions, or by translating in their language some of the IBC's documents. The IBC is glad to welcome all well-intended persons who wish to contribute. It may happen that there are several LOCAL CORRESPONDENTS working in the same area or country. In this case, they can unite to form a local group and coordinate their efforts. All suggestions are welcome.

Becoming a local correspondent of the IBC does not imply any obligation such as participating in meetings (unless you want to), and consists in willing to contribute to the local development of the institute.

First name and NAME*

Ex : John SMITH


Ex : 3 Bear Valley Road

Zip code and city*

Ex : San Diego CA 92103


(choose in the list)


Ex : +33 1 3086 00 33


Ex : +33 1 3086 00 10


Ex : computer analyst




(you will be informed by ouyr mailing list)

Message :



(* = required)

Ex : I am bilingual German/English and some French

I consider the objectives of the BRUNO COMBY INSTITUTE cited above as respectable
and I accept to be a LOCAL CORRESPONDENT of the IBC in the following area :

(Ex : Local correspondent in San Diego, or : Local correspondent in Japan)

your application will be submitted to the approval of the Board of Directors of the IBC in its next meeting.


Click on this button to print this page after completing the required zones.
You may also use the "Print" button in the menu of your navigating software.

Then send this page by fax to +33 1 30 86 00 10 or send the PDF file by e-mail to corloc-ibc-en[at] (spam prevention: replace [at] by @ in the e-mail)



(click on this button clears all zones)