The Newsletter of the Institut Bruno Comby


Saturday, May 12th 2007


This newsletter is archived and made available to the public on the website of IBC: http://www.comby.org/archives/archives-ibc-en/


New fax number of the IBC:

Our fax number has changed. It is now: +33 9 55 29 00 22. The previous number (+33 1 30 86 00 10) will remain active during a few months, and will then disappear. We recommend you to delete it from all your files and to take note of our new fax line: +33 9 55 29 00 22. To send us a fax, use only this number from now on. We have not moved, all the rest remains without change: the phone number +33 1 30 86 00 33, the emails, the postal address in Houilles and the web site are unchanged.

Invitation to the IBC's Annual Meeting in Houilles on Saturday, June 30th, 2007

Madam, Sir, Dear friends,

You are kindly invited to the next ANNUAL MEETING of the COMBY INSTITUTE (IBC), which will take place this year:

Saturday 30th June 2007 at 5:00 PM
at 55 rue Victor Hugo, 78800 Houilles, France
Click here for maps and instructions on how to come

The Annual Meeting will take place in Houilles, which is located only 10 minutes from Paris by public transportation. It is possible to come from downtown Paris by train (St Lazare station) or rapid metro RER (line A).

All members and correspondents of the IBC are kindly invited to participate to this Annual Meeting. All dues-paying members with a valid membership can take part in the votes for the decisions concerning the future of IBC.

To become a member or to update your membership:

Members of IBC having paid their dues (that is: sympathizing, active and donating members), if they cannot be present in person, have the possibility of sending a proxy to be represented, for votes and decisions, by another sympathizing, active or donating member of the institute.

The meeting will last until 8:00 PM and will be followed by an informal buffet until 10:00 PM.

The discussions will cover the following topics:

- Review of the year's activities and substantive report of the President
- Membership statistics and growth of the institute
- Election of the Board of Directors.
- The local correspondents of IBC.
- Financial report for the past year.
- Web site and mailing lists of IBC.
- IBC in the press and media.
- New books.
- Orientations and priorities for the coming year.

This event is a great occasion to meet other members and correspondents of IBC, share your experience, ask questions, have a pleasant evening, discuss about IBC's activities, and prepare its orientations for the future.

The participation to the Annual Meeting, as well as the buffet are entirely GRATIS. Participants are invited to bring an edible contribution to the buffet if possible.

Click here to confirm your venue by e-mail if you intend to participate in this Annual Meeting (spam protection: replace [at] by @ in the e-mail before sending the message confirming your venue)

Click here to confirm your venue by fax if you intend to participate in this Annual Meeting

Click here to send your proxy if you cannot attend the Annual Meeting, for dues-paying members of IBC (sympathizing, active and benefactor members).

If you are not a dues-paying member of IBC and if you want to participate in this Annual Meeting: you are cordially invited to join the meeting, but you will not be authorized to take part in the votes and decisions. To participate in the Meeting, you need to be at least a supporting member (that is, to agree with IBC's goals).

If you are not a dues-paying member of IBC, and you will not participate in this Annual Meeting: there is no need to confirm that you are not coming.

To the attention of the Board of Directors of IBC:
The ANNUAL MEETING will be preceded at 4:00 PM, by a meeting of the Board of Directors to discuss: 1/ current actions of IBC, 2/ acceptance of new members of IBC since the last meeting of the Board of Directors, 3/ preparation of the ANNUAL MEETING which will follow immediately.

The institute has continued to grow rapidly this year, and our action is developing in an increasing number of countries.

Many thanks to the volunteers who help us accomplish our task of informing the public about preventative health.

If you haven't done so yet, we invite you to sign our "NAPPING" petition (photo on the left: Bruno Comby performing a demonstration of instant power-napping in a television studio, live on TV).

To read the Minutes of last year's ANNUAL MEETING: English version (by automatic altavista translation) or French version.

The ANNUAL MEETING will be held in French and/or English. To take part in the votes, do not forget to subscribe or update your membership: http://www.comby.org/inscri/inscrien.htm



Yours sincerely, 

Bruno Comby.

Scientific Director

55 rue Victor Hugo, F-78800 Houilles, France.
Phone: +33 1 30 86 00 33 ; Fax: +33 1 30 86 00 10






IBC - information on healthy and sustainable lifestyles

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© Photos IBC / L. Massart

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